Sunday, May 4, 2014


For your first birthday there was cake and presents too. You liked your car from Gammie and RJ is pushing you around the house in it. Of course you like pushing him in it even more then riding in it. You enjoyed the cake once I cut it up for you. You have a few words including Hi and RJ. You can wave and give high fives. You can walk across a room. You still want to be held by mommy more then not, but that's par for the course in our family. You sleep in your crib all night most of the time. You have 6 teeth. You eat a lot of foods. You love Fenway and your brother more then anything.

Cousins visit

Gammie and Auntie Christie and cousins Hailey, Emma, and Lucas drove down for your birthday party. You got play with Lucas even though he just wanted to take your puffs from your lap and any other food you had, luckily you are an expert sharer. You must have remembered Gammie from staying at her house and facetime because you went right to her and that is saying a lot for you, you are not one for new people. 

Coco Key

We have been to Coco key 3 times now and every time you get a little more comfortable. The addition of the life jacket made you relax even more.


We went to Boonshoft after not going for a while. You were old enough to enjoy parts of it. You liked the animals the best like the bob cat and prairie dogs. Also the recycling truck and pick up truck too. You can also see your first hair cut pictured here looking handsome as ever.


Your first Easter. We went to daddy's school for an egg hunt and you enjoyed playing with the empty eggs collected at the end. We made you a basket full of pouches, cars, slinky, and farm magnets. We even went to a second egg hunt the next week at Young's, but it was so crazy that all you got was a golf ball from that one, but no big loss since it was real eggs not candy filled like the first one.

11 months

11 months old and standing on your own for a minute here or there and you can even take a few steps too. You have 6 teeth, which hasn't changed in a while. You sleep great 6-6 most of the time or sometimes even later. You take 2 naps that are each 90 minutes to 2 hours. You eat tons of foods, but love bananas and pouches the most.

Parks and Youngs

With the nice weather we have been spending a lot of time outside and that includes parks, bike rides, and Young's. You love the wind in your hair and crawling around a play ground. When you cry and I can't figure out what else to do I take you out back to the swing and it does the trick every time.